Magdalenefjord Cruise

Surreal scenes

An MSC cruise of Northern Europe will take you to the wildest areas of the north-west coast of Spitsbergen, the largest of the Svalbard islands.

Here the sea penetrates the hinterland for eight kilometres, amidst mountains of blackgranite always covered with snow and glaciers like the Waggonwaybreen which lunges towards the sea to close the bay or like the Gullybreen that instead descends down to the Gullybukta bay.
In Magdalenefjorden the atmosphere is surreal as your cruise ship penetrates a territory of tundras, glacial moraines and dark sand beaches, ice and even icebergs. However, a cruise in the Magdalenefjorden is made even more pleasant by the mitigating effects of the Gulf Stream that ends its influence right here: the North Pole is just 600 milesaway, just 200 more than the distance between the Svalbard and the Norwegian coast.
A base for whale hunting in the 17th century, this remote outpost has been inhabited for centuries in extreme conditions, as testified by the discovery of four blubber furnaces and 130 tombs dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries

Cruzeiros de/para Magdalenefjord em 2025


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